My first step on the road to being a mechanic started under cars in 1969 when I was 14. My dad understood his daughter inherited his mechanical abilities and channeled them. In 1976, I joined the Air Force and became one of the first female Crew Chiefs launching, recovering and servicing jets on the flight line. Last summer, my friend and I flew from Seattle to Richmond, CA to attend the Rosie Rally at the Rosie the Riveter Memorial. I got to me some of the original Rosies and thank them personally. I told them their legacy made my legacy possible. They liked my tattoo! After the Air Force, I worked as an aircraft mechanic twice more (for a total of 15 years), plus set-up and operated wood-milling machinery for 7 years in between. I recently retired from Boeing where I was installing all components of 737 interiors. I split my time now between sewing and writing. I opened an Etsy store last year called RosiePowerWeCanDoIt! And most recently, I participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and am doing final edits on my first full length novel entitled: The Troll Under the Bridge.
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